
Friday, January 11, 2013

01112013 Videos

Here are the videos that I captured today.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coffee Break Sponsor Renata!

This morning, Renata surprised (and delighted!) the class with two big boxes of doughnuts! It made for an auspicious start to a long day. Thank you very much Renata!

I only managed to capture one video today... Here it is! (If I haven't videoed you yet, please let me know before you draw and I will try to get you recorded for posterity.

01102013 Tube Chart Game -- How it's played...

Today during lunch, Miss Terrell challenged a group of students to a game of "Tube Chart" Poker. (They were rumored to be playing for PISTACHIOS!!!!)

1. Everyone took eight cards from the deck.
2. A random person threw out a tube color.
3. Everyone played cards that corresponded to that tube's additive, test, department, specimen type, rules and various other Tube Chart facts. It got very exciting at times!
4. Beginners use the colorful tube charts to help, but referring to the chart takes so long that you really have to have the information memorized to do well at this game...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

01092013 Lab Videos

Only two videos today... Will try to capture more soon.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

01082013 Lab Stills

Here are still images from today's lab practice.

01082013 Lab Videos

Day two of blood draws.... Here are the videos:

Coffee Break Sponsor Grace Returns!

Grace returned to the lab this morning with a big box of Top Pot Doughnuts to share! THANK YOU GRACE!!!

They were gone so fast, I couldn't get a picture, so here are some generic photos that make the same point!

Monday, January 7, 2013

01072013 First Blood Draws!

Today the students did their first blood draws. Keeping with the tradition of "Donuts on Draw Day," the students shared a couple dozen doughnuts (to keep blood sugar and spirits elevated!) and then went into the lab to draw blood.
The first two draws (featured here today) went well. Renata drew Alichia and then Alichia drew Renata. Take a look at these videos to see how they did.
You can also listen to Simone's commentary to improve your own performance!

01072013 Lab Stills

Prior to our first blood draws ever (!), we learned in more detail about the process through in-services and simulators. After that we mocked the drawing process and then performed our actual draws. Here are some stills of our warm-ups.