
Friday, July 19, 2013


DON'T FORGET! Monday I will be hosting the FREE SHARPIE CHALLENGE, so be sure to review the tube chart while you study for the Chapter 3 and 4 tests. Be ready when you arrive! See you soon!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

07182013 (Videos)

Here are some videos from today's lab session. The challenge of the butterfly draw!

07182013 Coffee Break Sponsor CHANTHY!

Chanthy surprised the group today by bringing in a two-week supply of creamer!
07182013 (Coffee Sponsor)
Thank you Chanthy!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

07172013 Coffee Break Sponsor Jennifer!

M-m-m-m-m... Can you say Twinkie Cupcakes? Jennifer surprised (and delighted) the class today with two dozen "Twinkie Cupcakes!" Cream-filled, dream-filled delectable delights (can you tell I had more than one?). Here is how they looked at the half-way mark. Thank you Jennifer!

07172013 (Videos)

Here are some videos from today's lab sessions. (Included are a couple of in-services by Simone as well as a rare glimpse of John being drawn by a student!)

07172013 (Stills)

I only got a handful of stills from today's lab. There are a few butterfly draw set-up shots and some tube-chart review pictures...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

07162013 (Videos)

Here are some videos from today's lab session.

Monday, July 15, 2013

07152013 (Videos)

Here are some videos from today's sessions. (There is one butterfly draw mixed in!)

07152013 (Stills)

Here are some stills from today's lab.