
In-Services etc.

This is a page where we feature a number of Miss Terrell's in-services and various procedures. You can replay videos of what she went over in the lab during the class and tighten up your lab skills.

Blood Draws in the fingertip (capillary draw) with a Lancet 
Here's a short in-service about capillary (or dermal) punctures (aka fingersticks)...

Can you read a micro-hematocrit capillary tube? Sure you can! Here's a video and a photo to help you along!

What is the patient's hematocrit level? Does the level suggest a male or female patient?

Blood Draws in the dorsal (back of the hand) with a Butterfly Needle

Today (07182012), Miss Terrell reviewed butterfly draws in the dorsal. Let's take a look!

Today Miss Terrell did a couple of butterfly in-services. I have three videos of parts of them. Be sure to watch them all to get all of the information!

And here is another dorsal draw...

Here is a photo of some "scalp needle sets." These are smaller butterfly needles (23 or 25 gauge) used to draw blood from veins in the scalp (head) of small infants. They have no safety lock, so they require an extra level of caution during use.

To dispose of them, pull the needle out by one wing or the end of the butterfly (where it connects to the tubing) and put it into the sharps container, NEEDLE END FIRST (with the needle pointing into the sharps container!).

From Scalp Vein Sets

Blood Draws in the A/C (ante cubital fossa) with a Butterfly Needle Simone demonstrates the proper way to draw blood in the A/C (antecubital fossa) with a butterfly needle in the next video.
(Double-click to view at photo album on the Internet, at the Picasa web site.)

Infant Blood Draws in the heel (capillary draw for PKU and other tests) with a Lancet 
 Today (07312012), Miss Terrell reviewed the PKU (heelstick on an infant) procedure.
From 07302012 PKU In-Service

Preparing Blood Smears, Hematocrits, Differentials, Bloodtyping and the Penny
April 9, 2013 Today Simone led several in services in the lab at the centrifuge: Hematocrit, blood smear (slide), differentials, blood typing and... the penny! All will make you more effective (hirable and desirable) phlebotomists in the lab.

Today (07102012) Miss Terrell was showing the students how to make blood smears and I caught the tail end of her in-service. Her last smear was the best (grace under pressure!) and here's how she did it!
You might want to consider trying these when there is a lull in your time in the lab. It's a useful skill to develop!

Blood Draws in the A/C (ante cubital fossa) with a Syringe
January 30, 2013 Syringe Draws
Today I filmed Miss Terrell's in-service about syringe draws. I didn't get the first few seconds, in which she reminded students to "prime" the syringe (push and pull the plunger several times so that it will move easily when the needle is in the patient's arm) before use.

Blood Culture

Here is a recent Blood Culture (B/C) Procedure demonstration.

Isolation + Blood Culture

Miss Terrell also did a review (073102012) of the Isolation + Blood Culture procedures. (Don't forget to alcohol the tops of each bottle with a separate prep pad!)

ABO (also Type and Screen or Crossmatch) (3 separate videos)

Here are three short videos of an ABO (crossmatch or type and screen). Remember that this will involve a blood transfusion, so it is ESPECIALLY important to ID the patient E-X-A-C-T-L-Y!! Have the nurse sign the second line! Be sure to watch all three!

GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test)
Here is a recent presentation of the Glucose Tolerance Test Procedure.

GTT followed by ABO (5 separate videos)
Miss Terrell did several in-services today. The subject was procedures. I wasn't able to capture all of the procedures, but these are the main points and should be useful for review!

How to use a Blood Pressure Cuff (aka SPHYGMOMANOMETER)

Would you believe a Sphygmomanometer? (Okay, okay, how about Blood Pressure Cuff?!?)(blood pressure cuff). Anyway, here's how to operate one.

Be sure to check out our YouTube Videos at our very own YouTube Channel! There you can enjoy learning lab procedures with subtitles

(Double-click to view at photo album on the Internet, at the Picasa web site.)
ABO (in three parts) and GTT

In the video below, Simone demonstrates the proper procedure for an ABO (also known as crossmatch, type and screen, blood-typing, etc.)

Here are 5 videos of the GTT and ABO (aka Crossmatch or Type and Screen)

Here is a properly executed glucose tolerance test (GTT).
(Double-click to view at photo album on the Internet, at the Picasa web site.

Here is a video of the Blood Culture (B/C) procedure.

In the video below, Simone demonstrates the proper procedure for a blood culture (B/C).
(Double-click to view at photo album on the Internet, at the Picasa web site.)

Here is a video of the PKU procedure featuring Camden!

Here is a PKU video.

Here is a video of the PKU procedure.

Simone and Ailyn demonstrate the isolation procedure in the next video.
(Double-click to view at photo album on the Internet, at the Picasa web site.)