


Attention Please All Program Students!

This is just a reminder about the process for tracking immunization and program requirements. 
You will need to have the following vaccines (and in most cases, titers) to complete the program. 
Two-Step TB test
HBV* (Please see separate Hep B page!)
Seasonal Flu Shot

Immunization Tracking Procedure:
·         Students should turn in to Simone, their Certified Background Immunization To-Do List Summary Reports which show the status of the various immunization and program requirements the first week of the quarter
·         Simone will follow up with students to ensure that all requirements have been met before students can be placed for clinical training
·         The To-Do Summary Reports needs to show “Complete” for all requirements

Students can access a video to walk them through the process of uploading requirements at the link below.

The report you get should not be any longer than 1-2 pages.  Please follow these instructions if you are having difficulty finding your summary reports at Certified Background.
·         Log into your account with Certified Background
·         On the left side of the page click “Document Center”
·         Click “Clinical Requirements EO81”
·         Click “Results”
·         Scroll to the far right and click “Download”

Please contact Deborah Elstrom* with any questions.

*Clinical Placement Coordinator
Allied Health
Renton Technical College
3000 NE Fourth Street
Renton, WA 98056
Phone:  425-235-2352 x2082
Fax: 425-235-2435